Even though it is considered that the hair loss among females is rare, 30% of women suffer from thinning of hairs at least once in their lives. As the hair loss in women is commonly seen in all hairs and the frontal hairline is mostly well preserved, the hair loss and thinning is perceived in the late term. While the way of hair loss is common in 90% of women and seen in whole hairs, there might be losses in temples in 10% of them; however, it does not cause a complete baldness as it does in men.

As we explained earlier, there can be seen 3 types of hair loss in women:1)Diffuse (common), which can be seen as thinning in whole scalp areas and resembles a pine-tree; 2)localized, seen as thinning in the hair; 3) a hair loss type that is rarely patterned (male type).

“Ludwig” classification that is most commonly seen in genetic alopecia and applied based on the amount of hair loss in common type hair losses is as follows:

Type 1 mild hair loss:  This is an early stage hair loss. The hair loss can easily be masked with a good combing. It does not require a surgical operation. The frontal hairline is preserved.

Type 2 moderate hair loss: There is a serious loss in the middle area and decrease in the hair volume. The frontal hairline is preserved. If the hair in the temples and nape is healthy, the hair transplant can be considered.

Type 3 advanced hair loss: The scalp can be seen when you look at the vertex area, and the frontal hairline suffers hair loss. The thinning of the hair is at the highest level and widespread. The only option for suitable candidates must be the hair transplantation.
In these three hair loss types, there is a widespread thinning and frontal hairline is preserved in 1st and 2nd degree hair losses. Regardless of the type, if the hair bulbs and structures are healthy in the upper scalp and temples, hair transplant can be applied on these women.

Another classification in hair loss types that are seen in women is the Savin classification: Total thinning seen in the hair is considered here and it is a more detailed classification. In the first 8 diagram, the thinning and hair loss in the hair have been classified from less to more. The hair loss in the male type temples seen in the 9th image and the widespread hair loss/loss in the upper area seen in the 8th image are very rare types of hair loss.