What is breast reduction operation?

These are operations, where skin, fat, and breast tissue are extracted for the purpose of bringing big and saggy breasts into smaller, tighter, and projecting status and the breast is re-shaped.

Who are the suitable candidates for this operation?

The increase of breast tissue, dependent on genetic, hormonal changes, weight gain, breastfeeding, leads to back pains in patients; even it may cause big breasts, which may cause being hunchbacked. There might be rashes, dependent on friction, under the big breast tissue, and wounds may open. There might be difficulty in breathing. Daily physical activity may be limited. Moreover, while big breast creates difficulties in the subject of choice of clothing, also woman’s disapproving herself causes social and psychological problems. Thus, this type of aesthetic operations can correct both the physical appearance of the patient and her psychology. This operation may be applied to each woman, who has completed adolescence period and the breast development.

About what issues should one be careful while the decision for the operation is taken?

As a result of the surgeon’s examination, a mutual information exchange with the patient is performed in subjects of size and form of the breasts, skin’s condition, patient’s age, marriage, and whether she will have children or not, the new position and size of the nipple. At the end of this opinion exchange and dialogue, in what form and with which technique the operation will be performed, and whether the nipple will be protected or not are decided.

Should a breast x-ray be performed before the operation?

Performing a pre-operative mammography film and screening of the breast will be suitable for operation candidates at after certain ages and for people, for whom a breast related pathology is detected in the family history.

Under which anesthesia is the operation applied?

The operation is applied in hospitals and under general anesthesia. Although patients can stand up on the day of the operation, their hospitalization at their first nights will be suitable.

What kind of a procedure is applied during the operation and how are the operation scars?

The form and the size of the breast requested should be discussed between the surgeon and the patient. Moreover, patient’s having children or not in the coming periods in terms of breastfeeding function is significant. In these operations, excess breast tissue and skin are extracted. The nipple is moved to the place, where it should be. Although many incision forms are used in breast operations, “inverse T” incision is generally preferred. In these cuts, cuts are performed around the nipple, on the vertical line extending from under the nipple (at hour 6 level) to breast fold, and at the site of breast fold, the breast is shaped, and the breast is closed in the form of “inverse T“. All of these scars are scars, which can fully be hidden by bra. Most of the time, these permanent scars remain slightly as a very thin line.
Breast reduction operation can be performed also without performing a cut at the breast fold. Even in some suitable cases, reduction operation may be performed only by entering from the nipple.

Is blood transfusion required during the operation?

Blood transfusion is generally not required for the breast reduction operation. In cases where the blood transfusion is required, your own blood (auto-transfusion), which is taken 5 – 7 days before the operation, may be used.

How long does the reduction operation last?

Although the operation generally lasts for 2 to 4 hours, this period may be longer in some special conditions.

Is there numbness at the nipple, is breastfeeding function lost after the operation?

At the early stage, there might be swelling, numbness, and bruising at the nipple. Numbness and bruising will recover in a short period. In these operations, since the nipple’s place is changed by sliding without displacing the nipple and the milk channels underneath are not cut, baby can be breastfed conveniently after the birth. In a special technique applied at highly big, huge  breasts, for the sufficient reduction of the breast, the nipple should be freed completely. In this case, after the operation, permanent numbness arises at the nipple. Of course, in cases, which have undergone this type of operation, breastfeeding is not possible, because milk channels underneath the nipple have been cut.

What are the issues to be careful about after the operation?

It is generally comfortable after the operation, and the pain is minimal. There might be restriction in arm movements. Bandages, similar to bra, are applied on breasts, and sportsman bra is worn for the purpose of supporting. Small pipes, called “drainage”, are generally placed to both breasts, and they are removed in 24 -72 hours. On second or third days, dressing is performed. Bruising and swelling may last for 2 – 3 weeks. After the operation, there may be temporary numbness at the nipple and pain as aching in the breast. Generally wearing a support bra for 6 weeks and limitation of arm activities for 2 weeks are recommended. Breast’s taking its final form and fading away of the scars take about one year.

When does one return back to normal life?

The patient may return back to work after 1 -2 weeks. Avoiding heavy sports for 1.5 months is recommended.

Is the new breast form protected continuously after the breast reduction operation?

The newly formed breast protects its form for a long time, however weight changes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and gravity may cause volume increase and re-sagging at the breast.

What are the unsolicited outcomes of breast reduction operation?

As it can be in each surgical operation, complications such as infection, tissue loss, dependent on nutritional disorder at the site of the wound, (especially in smoking women and in diabetes patients), bleeding, and fluid accumulation inside the breast (hematoma, seroma) may be observed after the breast operations although very rarely. Small outflows and crust formation, which form at the site of cutting, are normal. Each surgical procedure recovers by leaving a scar, and most of the time the nature of the scars cannot be assessed previously. In some cases while the scars are not noticed, in some patients, scarring may form inside the skin and deep tissues, even in some patients, surgical correction or applying for other treatments may be required. Hardness, dependent on scarring or fat necrosis inside the breast, may be observed rarely. This cannot be predicted previously. In the majority of women, there is breast asymmetry naturally. There may be very small differences at the form of the breast and the nipple, in its size, in its symmetry, and this is natural. It should be kept in mind also that local allergy may develop against the plaster and suture materials even though rarely.