What is fat injection?

Among the biologic fillers, the most preferred is the person’s own fat tissue. In this method, which we may also call fat transplantation, fat tissues received from abdominal, waist, thigh regions, are transferred under the skin and into the muscle by special injectors; thus fullness and harmony in facial contour are ensured in facial regions such as lips, cheek bones, chin tip, and deep wrinkles are removed by providing volume. While the person’s own fat tissue is received, along with the fat cells, healthy stem cells are also taken and are injected to the person. Thus, by the stimulating and revitalizing effect of fresh stem cells, freshness, liveliness, and brightness are obtained also in the skin structure of the region injected. Thus, fat tissue injections can be seen as the person’s having a self-vaccination of youth.

How is fat injection applied?

While this procedure is applied, regions, from which fat will be taken and regions to be injected are numbed under local anesthesia. After the fat tissue is taken by a thin liposuction cannule, it is processed through some procedures, and it is transferred to the recipient region by special injectors. During the procedure, no pain and hurt are felt, and it lasts shortly.

Is difficulty experienced after the operation, when does one return to normal life?

A light bandage is applied with plaster to the region, where fat injection is applied, to be removed on the third day. Pain is very mild or is not felt. Swelling or bruises, which may form, recover automatically in 5 – 7 days. In this period, make-up can be performed for the camouflage of the bruises. For the bruises not to leave traces, protection from ultraviolet beams by a sun cream will be suitable.

Is repeating fat injections required?

Yes. About 70% of the fat tissue injected may melt in 6 months. Thus, in the first year, performance of 1 – 2 more fat injections may be required in the form of reinforcement. However, this decision should be taken by talking and discussing among the surgeon and the patient. In some patients, tissue injection may not be needed for up to 1-1.5 years. It should not be forgotten that although the injected fat cells become a part of us by living with blood vessels coming from surrounding tissue, these will be inclined to sag, to melt, and to re-collapse, dependent on mimics, in time within the process of aging.

Can fat injections be combined with other injections?

This technique may be applied together with skin renewal procedures (laser, dermabrasion, and rejuvenation procedures such as chemical peeling), and/or facial lift operations.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of fat injections?

The most important advantage of the technique is that a dramatic facial rejuvenation is obtained without surgical cut and suture. Moreover, it is a non-invasive procedure, which does not keep the person away from the social life, and which does not need long cares and dressing after the operation. The person may return back his/her daily life right after the procedure. And its disadvantage is the requirement for repeating the procedure and for taking tissue (fat) from the patient each time (although non injected fat tissues can be stored in special deep freezers).

What is tissue cocktail?

“Tissue cocktail” has a separate place among the fillers, applied by receiving from the patient himself/herself. In this method, after under-skin ligament and muscle tissues of the patients, to whom operations such as facial lift, abdominoplasty, breast reduction are applied, are taken and separated to tiny particles in a way which will pass through injectors, they are transferred to under-skin again by injectors for the removal of deep wrinkles.

What is its difference from the fat injection?

Since dermis tissue under skin and ligament tissues are tissues, which contain much more collagen compared to fat tissue, and whose nourishments reach to 90%s (melting amount is about 10%) at the end of 6 months, more long-term cosmetic outcomes are obtained in the facial rejuvenation operation by tissue cocktail.

Why is our own tissue the best filler?

Other fillers (such as collagen, injected silicone, suture materials), used in the treatment of facial wrinkles or collapse, sagging may lead to allergic reactions, and their infection risks are much more compared to fat and tissue cocktail. Moreover, by some fillers, extremely poor, unnatural outcomes may arise. After fat tissue infections, no allergic reactions are observed. Infection risk is very low. Due to these reasons, surgeons and patients should prefer biological fillers instead of artificial fillers, which are expensive and which may arise many unsolicited outcomes such as infection, abscess formation, wound opening.