What is Aesthetic Nasal Surgery?
It is re-shaping of the nose for the purpose of correcting the appearance of the organ. In the same operation, also anatomic structures, which block the air way at the inner part of the nose and which prevent breathing, may be corrected.
To whom can rhinoplasty operation be performed?
These operations are performed after the age of 18, when the patient’s physical development is completed. Your discussion of why you would like to have the operation and your expectations with your surgeon within realistic limits before deciding for the operation and your knowing that after this operation you will have not perfection but more beauty and a development towards being better at your physical appearance will render you a suitable candidate for this type of operations.
What kind of anesthesia is received during rhinoplasty operation?
Rhinoplasty operations are applied under general anesthesia and in operating rooms of hospitals.
What kind of corrections can be performed during the operation?
The operation is performed through both nostrils and by cutting the thin skin section between the nostrils. During the operations, which generally last for 2 -4 hours, by the manipulations on bone, cartilage structure, and soft tissue, low nasal tip and/or wide nasal tip are corrected, excess tissue at nasal ridge is extracted, nasal tip is re-shaped, if required, sides of the nose are narrowed, and if there is any air way problem, septum cartilage (it separates both nostrils from each other) is re-shaped, and if air pads (turbinate) are too wide and if they block the air way, they can be reduced. In these operations, corrections at a wide range, which are from only removing a tiny deformity only at nasal tip to total nasal deformities due to trauma and heavy form deformities, can be performed.
When are nasal tamponades removed?
After the operation, supporting tamponades are placed at two sides of septum and these are removed one day after the operation. However, since silicone sheets, which have airways themselves, are used in our operations, removing tamponade is no longer a nightmare, but has become an easy procedure.
How long plaster cast splint remains in the nose?
After the nose is newly shaped, plaster cast is applied for one week and bandage splint is applied for one week. At the end of the second week, no splint is left at the nose.
What are the discomforts which can be faced with after the operation?
Swelling and bruises, which will form in your face after the operation, regress in 10-15 days. After the operation, there may be a mild pain, which can be controlled by pain killing drugs, and aching in your nose. For the first few days, there is a pink-colored mild outflow from the nostrils, and for a few weeks a mild blockage may be felt in the nose. For being able to remove the outflow at the nasal tip, a light tampon, made of gauze, will be placed to nasal tip and will be changed frequently as it gets dirty.
What are the issues, which require being careful about, after the operation?
After the operation, your lying down with two pillows, as you sleep at nights, in a way to keep your head high, and the ice application around the eyes for the first two days will help in the subject of rapid reduction of edema (swelling). For the first three weeks, wiping off and blowing the nose are forbidden. You will be recommended to avoid acts, which generally require high effort, (any act which will increase your blood pressure such as running, swimming, fitness-aerobic) for two to three weeks, to protect your nose from hitting and strokes, and not to have a sun bath for three weeks. You have to be careful while washing your face and hair, or while applying make-up. For the first 6 weeks after the operation, no glasses should be worn or very light glasses should be preferred.
What things in drug usage should be paid attention to before and after the operation?
Before the operation, your doctor will prescribe to you some drugs, for lessening swelling and bruises. These drugs should be used in two to three weeks also after the operation. For ten days before the operation and for two weeks after the operation, aspirin or aspirin containing drugs or drugs preventing blood coagulation and herbal extracts, whose content is not known completely (they may cause bleeding coagulation disorder), should not be used. The herbal support guideline at our website will assist you in this subject.
May I brush my teeth after the operation?
Teeth can be brushed by only soft tooth brush and carefully. Lips should not be constricted and upper lip should not be raised upwards more than required.
How long does it take for the nose to reach its final form after the operation?
Although a large majority of swelling, which forms in the nose, disappears in the first two to three weeks, millimetric swelling, especially which lasts longer at the nasal tip and which will be noticed by yourself and your surgeon only, may last for months. Recovery is a process, which progresses slowly and gradually, and obtaining the real outcome is possible at the end of the first year.
When does one return to normal life after the operation?
The majority of the patients, who undergo aesthetic nasal operation, stand up and walk around on the same day, and may return back to school or to not too-much tiring work life one week after the operation. After the operation, one can stay overnight or may return home on the same day. However, your being able to return to your daily life tempo fully may take a few weeks.
Will there a major change in my face after the operation?
After the swelling lessens, if a natural outcome is obtained in your nose, your relatives will notice not the operation, but the change you have. This demonstrates not the failure, but that you have undergone a natural operation for the nose, which is appropriate for you and which is harmony with other structures in the face.
When should the controls be attended after the operation?
In first week after the operation, doctor controls will be attended every other day and your nose will be cleaned by your surgeon. Your controls will be performed in second week, and after 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 12th months.