Surgeons who are authorized in hair transplantation are Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. In hair transplant interviews, always ask the person you are interviewing whether he is a doctor or not and what specialty he/she has. Do not believe those who introduce themselves as “hair transplant specialists/doctors” because there may be anesthesia technicians, nurses, midwives, paramedics and even non-medical people, many of whom have not even finished medical school. Be sure to get information about hair restoration surgery from a surgeon and see his medical faculty diploma registered by the Ministry of Health. Hair transplantation is tried to be presented to the society as a simple business. In fact, hair transplantation is an important aesthetic surgery that requires experienced teamwork and has many complications.
Individual planning for each patient and Norwood case is crucial. Each patient is unique. Considering the type of shedding, age of patient, grade of hair loss and quality of hair follicles, a special planning should be made for each patient. It is impossible to apply the same treatment method or same surgery for every patient who suffer from hair loss. Most importantly, the results that can be obtained for the patient should be shown with examples, and it should be explained thoroughly how a success can be achieved according to the number and quality of hair strands. For this, the plastic surgeon must be experienced. It is imperative that he determines who, how and which treatment he will plan. In some patients, FUE hair transplantation may be preferred, while in others, drug treatment and/or PRP, mesotherapy may be preferred. For this, the patient should be examined by an experienced plastic surgeon or dermatologist, and hair analysis and blood tests should be performed if necessary.
Maximum hair/graft count and natural appearance is very important. In the FUT technique, we can maximize the number of grafts by harvesting as large a scalp strip as possible. For this, it is very important to choose a plastic surgeon who is very experienced in his field. Because, unfortunately, after such surgical interventions that can be performed by inexperienced people, even those who are not doctors, irreparable tissue necrosis and hair loss in the donor area can be experienced.
Again, the important thing in the FUE technique is to work with a very experienced team to reach the maximum number of grafts and thus to obtain natural results. It is important for the same experienced team to enter all cases together, to get good results in each case and to avoid surprises. For a good hair transplant, it is necessary to obtain a natural appearance and natural flow with 30-50 grafts implanted in per square centimeter, high density and natural exit angle of the hair shafts.