Op. Dr. İlhan Serdaroğlu

Hair transplantation, which has become the locomotive of health tourism in our country, perceived as an aesthetic surgery; In fact, it is a “reconstructive surgery”, because it is done to restore a defect. In order to be successful in hair restorations, the surgeon must have an aesthetic vision, talent and experience. This operation is not a job for technicians who have been involved in a hair transplant center for 3-5 months.

The most important reason why I focused on hair transplantation was that I closely saw the psychological and physical trauma caused by hair loss in men. The premature loss of hair, which is a symbol of power, handsomeness and youth for men, leads to loss of self-confidence and creates an uncomfortable deficiency in men. I decided to help my patients to help them get out of this situation and open a new page in their lives. Good planning to bring the patient’s “supply and demand” together is an important point of hair restoration surgery. I think it is very important to inform the patient that hair transplantation cannot be performed when the supply and demand do not match with each other . So I know the importance of informing the patient correctly that how many of grafts can be harvested from him/her and how big area can be restored with that “supply “.

In order to obtain aesthetic and natural results in hair transplantation, it is very important to remove a sufficient number of grafts, to make a very good planning and to transplant follicular units according to the natural hair growth direction with enough density. The expectation in hair transplantation should not be a “dream” or a “disappointment” as a result of surgey. For this reason, I try to explain “what I can give” to my patient , all steps of surgery, possible complications with precise informations by giving examples from my previous patients. It is also objectionable in terms of Turkey’s credibility and image abroad that hair transplantation is shadowed by marketing methods that do not reflect reality and by the very bad results of the hands of incompetent and uneducated people. Plastic Surgeons are the people who should apply for hair transplantation. Please do not endanger your health by having your hair restoration surgery done by unautherised people and believing in fake treatments.