Vaginoplasty operations are the correction of wide, saggy, or asymmetric  vaginal labias, which are natal or form afterwards by causes such as delivery, trauma, etc., by a minor cosmetic surgical procedure. In people, who need this type of operations, complaints such as pain/hurting during intercourse, discomfort, itching, and fungal infections, which form when tight clothes are worn and in swimming, sports, and in other physical activities, and closing of vaginal entry are observed. And in some patients, this type of problems in vaginal labia is only an aesthetic issue and the majority of the patients would not like to have inner labia to stand beyond the wide exterior labia and to sag.

This appearance creates discomfort. When such unsolicited conditions form due to aging, birth, and injuries, required corrections may be performed by vaginoplasty operation. Increase of our patients’ self-confidence and overcoming of concerns related to the body will increase sexual satisfaction and also the efficiency.

What kind of corrections can be performed in the operation?

In this operation, as the sagging and asymmetry in minor vaginal labia can be corrected, in the meantime also the deformities such as shrinking, which forms in time at exterior labia, becoming indistinct, are repaired. For the correction of these deformations at the contour of perineal region, fat injection may be performed to exterior labia. If there is excess fattening at pubis region (under the belly fold), this condition both deforms the body contour, and may prevent the sexual activity. In this case, a natural perineal contour may be obtained by applying liposuction to mons pubis region.

By which anesthesia is the operation applied and how long does it last?

It is an operation, which lasts about 1-1.5 hours and which may be performed under local anesthesia or sedation. The patient wakes up minutes after the operation and recovers consciousness. During surgery, intubation and full paralysis (general anesthesia) are not applied. Ice application to the region is beneficial after the operation. One can return back to normal life after 2-5 days. Sexual activity is forbidden for 4-6 weeks. Sutures will melt automatically and their removal is not required.

Can vaginoplasty be applied also to people with no children?

Yes. The operation has no relationship with the delivery. Widened minor labia may create always physical discomfort and unhappiness in the person. Moreover, at natal asymmetric and major inner labia, fungal infections may be observed. And in this case, vaginoplasty is required.

Is there a deformation at clitoris after the operation?

No. Generally after the surgery, no change occurs at the skin and the structure of this region. However, in some patients, there might be structural excess at the skin around the clitoris, and during surgery these excess parts may be extracted for a nicer and more natural appearance. In such conditions, before the vaginoplasty, the surgeon and the patient should talk and take a decision together.

Is there a change in sense of pleasure after vaginoplasty?

No. Since sexual pleasure is related to clitoris and since this organ is not touched during the surgery, there will be no change or decrease in sensual pleasure.